Character Creation Checklist

A handy checklist to help you create a character in 5e

If you haven't made a character before, you may find yourself flipping back and forth through the Player's Handbook or Basic Rules a lot. Chapter 1: Step-by-Step Characters may help you get started, but here is a more explicit checklist that will help you know where to flip and when.

Download the Checklist (pdf)
Step Instruction Basic Rules v2 page Player's Handbook page
1 Determine character level.
This is determined by your DM, but is usually level 1.
6 11
2 Record experience points (XP) for your level. 10 15
3 Record proficiency bonus for your level. 10 15
4 Choose a class. 20 45
5 Record the class name. 20 45
6 Note which ability is the class' Primary Ability.
You'll want to make that ability score high later on.
20 45
7 Don't record anything else from the class for now.
8 Choose race and subrace. 11-19 17-43
9 Create a name.
10 Choose your age.
11 Write down all racial traits.
12 Temporarily put Ability Score Increases next to the relevant abilities.
This will be used when you determine ability scores below.
8 12
13 Choose languages, if your race requires it. 34 123
14 Record your Base Speed.
15 Determine ability scores. If using variant Customizing Ability Scores, here's a calculator. 7-8 12-13
16 Add in racial Ability Score Increases from step 12.
17 Choose a background. 36-42 125-141
18 Record background features.
19 Record background proficiencies.
20 Record background languages. 34 123
21 Record background equipment (unless you've chosen the alternate equipment rules).
22 Choose two personality traits, one ideal, one bond, and one flaw. 123-124
23 Return to your class information. 20-32 45-119
24 Record all class features. Don't forget to select spells, specializations, and record special maneuver or spell save DCs, etc.
25 Record your hit die.
26 Choose proficiencies, if required by your class.
27 Choose class starting equipment (unless you've chosen the alternate equipment rules).
28 Apply ability score improvements (or choose feats) according to your level.
If you're starting at higher levels that grant these.
29 Calculate ability modifiers. 7 13
30 Create a physical description. 33 121
31 Select an alignment. 33-34 122
32 Record your initiative. 61, 69 177, 189
33 Determine maximum hit points.
10, 61 12, 177
34 Total all saving throws. 62 179
35 Total all skills. 58-59 174-175
36 Record Passive Wisdom (Perception). 59 175
37 Determine starting money, if permitted. 43 143
38 If you've chosen the alternate equipment rules, buy additional equipment. 44-55 144-161
39 Limit carried equipment by weight. 60 176
40 Record your armor class (AC). 9, 44 14, 144-145
41 Record your attacks (attack bonuses and damage). 9, 45-47, 73-75 14, 146-148, 194-196
42 You probably didn't select all your spells or special abilities back on step 24. Procrastinate no more.