
Description. See the description of this race at Tolkien Gateway.

Previous Versions. This race is frequently updated, but you can refer to previous versions also.

Human Traits

For humans in Middle-earth use the Human race in the Player's Handbook (p. 29) or Basic Rules (p. 17), but:

  • Remove the Languages trait.
  • Add the traits below.

Subrace.Humans of Third Age Middle-earth are divided into many cultures. Choose a subrace from the list below. The Free Peoples are listed first.

Humans of the Free Peoples


See the description of this culture at Tolkien Gateway. They are counted among the Free Peoples.

Hairy. You are so hairy that you have advantage on saving throws against cold and you have resistance to cold damage. Your Charisma score decreases by 2.

Wild Spirit. Wild beasts will not attack you unless you actively provoke them or unless they make a DC 10 Wisdom check. You have advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks involving wild and untamed animals.

Sleepless. You only require sleep two of every three days.

Foraging Instinct. You have advantage when you make Wisdom (Survival) checks to forage for food or water.

Honey Cakes. You start with three Beorning honey cakes. Each cake reduces your exhaustion by one level when eaten during a short rest (you may only gain this benefit once a day). You may freely acquire up to 3 honey cakes per week when visiting your homeland.

Languages. You have proficiency in Westron and Dalish.


See the description of this culture at Tolkien Gateway. They are counted among the Free Peoples.

Takes the Edge Off. While intoxicated you gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). This may not be combined with any other effect that grants temporary hit points.

Strong Stomach. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws against the effects of poison and intoxication.

Heady Wine. You start with two bottles of strong Dorwinion wine. Five minutes after drinking a single cup a creature must make a DC 15 Constitution check against poison or fall unconscious for one hour; on a successful save the creature becomes intoxicated.

Languages. You have proficiency in Westron and Sindarin.


See the description of this culture at Tolkien Gateway. They are counted among the Free Peoples.

Simple People. You have disadvantage to attack rolls when attacking with any martial melee weapon, even if you are proficient with that weapon.

Impassive Countenance. Wisdom (Insight) checks against you have disadvantage. You have disadvantage on Charisma (Deception) checks.

Forest Dweller. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Survival) check or an Intelligence (Nature) check while in forests, you are considered proficient in the Survival or Nature skill and add your proficiency bonus to the check.

Sharp Nose. You have a +1 bonus to scent-based Passive Wisdom (Perception) checks.

Poisoner. You have proficiency with the poisonmaker's tool kit.

Sungazer. When outside during daylight hours you can sense the sun's position irrespective of deep foliage, weather effects, or any other obscuring factors. This ability also works indoors if the sun's rays would normally fall directly on you through windows or other openings.

Languages. You have proficiency in Drúadan and Westron (broken). If you select proficiency in Westron again, you may remove the broken modifier.


See the description of this culture at Tolkien Gateway. They are counted among the Free Peoples.

Exile. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Survival) check you have advantage.

Blood of Númenor. Whenever you make a Charisma (Persuasion) check to interact with Mannish people, you are considered proficient in the Persuasion skill and add your proficiency bonus to the check.

Languages. You have proficiency in Adûnaic, Westron, Sindarin, Ranger-Runes, and an extra Standard or Exotic language of your choice.

Long Life. Your natural lifespan is thrice that of normal men.

Chosen Hour. You may choose the hour of your death, lying down and entering an eternal slumber from which you never wake.


See the description of this culture at Tolkien Gateway. They are counted among the Free Peoples.

Streetwise. When you make Wisdom (Insight) checks to interact with other Mannish races you are considered proficient in the Insight skill and may add your proficiency bonus to the check.

Watchful. You have a +1 bonus to Passive Wisdom (Perception).

Crossroads of Trade. You begin with an additional 3d4 × 10 gold pieces.

Keepers of Lore. You have advantage on all Intelligence (History) checks.

Languages. You have proficiency in Westron, Sindarin (Gondor), and one extra Standard language of your choice.


See the description of this culture at Tolkien Gateway. They are counted among the Free Peoples.

Eager. You have a +1 bonus to initiative rolls.

Bree-lander Weapon Training. You have proficiency with shortbows and slings.

Nosy Neighbor. You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks.

Artisan Tool Proficiency. You have proficiency with any one set of artisan's tools you choose.

Languages. You have proficiency in Westron and two extra Standard languages of your choice.


See the description of this culture at Tolkien Gateway. They are counted among the Free Peoples.

Lakerunner. You have proficiency with vehicles (water). You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks for swimming.

Dwarven Toy Market. You may use an action to identify one magic item of Dwarven origin (instead of doing it during a short rest).

Northman Weapon Training. You have proficiency with shortbows, longbows, and nets.

Languages. You have proficiency in Dalish and one extra Standard language of your choice (Westron would be a good choice).


See the description of this culture at Tolkien Gateway. They are counted among the Free Peoples.

Horse Lord. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check involving horses, you are considered proficient in the Animal Handling skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

Long Ride. You can take long rest while riding slowly on horseback and doing nothing else. The horse must follow another horse or be led by someone.

Rohirrim Weapon Training. You have proficiency with lances and shortbows.

Sense for Truth. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Insight) check to determine if someone is lying, you are considered proficient in the Insight skill and add your proficiency bonus to the check.

Languages. You have proficiency in Rohan and Westron.

Woodman (Mirkwood)

See the description of this culture at Tolkien Gateway. They are counted among the Free Peoples.

Forest Dweller. You have advantage whenever you make an Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check related to forests.

Forest Hunter. Whenever you make a Dexterity (Stealth) check in a forest, you are considered proficient in the Stealth skill and add your proficiency bonus to the check.

Woodman Weapon Training. You have proficiency with battleaxes and shortbows.

Languages. You have proficiency in Dalish and Westron.

Humans of Darkness

Black Númenórean

See the description of this culture at Tolkien Gateway.

Blood of Númenor. Whenever you make a Charisma (Persuasion) check to interact with Mannish people, you are considered proficient in the skill and add your proficiency bonus to the check.

Faithless. You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks.

Númenórean Weapon Training. You have proficiency with longswords, short swords and daggers.

Long Life. Your natural lifespan is thrice that of normal men.

Languages. You have proficiency in Adûnaic, Westron, and one extra Standard or Exotic language of your choice.

Corsair of Umbar

See the description of this culture at Tolkien Gateway.

Corsair Weapon Training. You have proficiency with rapiers, nets, and tridents.

Natural Swimmer. Whenever you make a Strength (Athletics) check for swimming and diving, you are considered proficient in the Athletics skill and add your proficiency bonus to the check.

Skywatching. You have advantage whenever you make an Intelligence (Nature) check related to weather prediction.

Shipwise. You have proficiency with vehicles (water).

Languages. You have proficiency in Adûnaic and a Haradrim dialect.

Dunlending (Hillman)

See the description of this subrace at Tolkien Gateway.

Mountaineer. Whenever you make a Strength (Athletics) check for climbing, you are considered proficient in the Athletics skill and add your proficiency bonus to the check.

Alpine Lore. You have advantage whenever you make a Wisdom (Survival) check in mountainous terrain.

Enemy of the Straw-Heads. You have advantage on attack rolls against a horse-mounted opponent.

Dunlending Weapon Training. You have proficiency with shortswords, spears, and greatswords.

Languages. You have proficiency in Dunlendish and Westron (broken). If you select proficiency in Westron again, you may remove the broken modifier.


See the description of this subrace at Tolkien Gateway.

Quick Mount. You may mount or dismount a creature without spending any feet of movement.

Horseman. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check for handling horses, you are considered proficient in the Animal Handling skill and add your proficiency bonus to the check.

Disciplined. You have advantage on all saving throws against being frightened.

Easterling Weapon Training. You have proficiency with axes, glaives, and spears. You also have proficiency with vehicles (land).

Languages. You have proficiency in Easterling (Wainrider), Easterling (Balchoth), or Easterling (Variag). Choose one. You also have proficiency in one extra Standard language of your choice.


See the description of this culture at Tolkien Gateway.

Glare Reduction. You are immune to being blinded or stunned by bright light or flashes.

Haradrim Weapon Training. You have proficiency with scimitars, spears, and shortbows.

Water Conservator. You need only half the amount of water per day that others need (see PHB p. 185 or BR p. 66).

Desert Forager. You have advantage whenever you make a Wisdom (Survival) check in deserts and other arid terrain.

Oliphaunt-wise. You are accustomed to being near mûmakil (the elephantine beasts of Harad), and have advantage to Wisdom saving throws against being frightened by mûmakil, and advantage to Dexterity saving throws to avoid being trampled by mûmakil.

Languages. You have proficiency in a Haradrim dialect and one extra Standard language of your choice.


See the description of this culture at Tolkien Gateway.

Fortress Lore. You may add your proficiency bonus to Intelligence checks to navigate fortresses and strongholds, understand their strong and weak points, and construct fortifications.

Hill-men Weapon Training. You have proficiency with longswords, spears, and longbows.

Life Under Shadow. You have advantage to spell saving throws against necromancy spells. You have +2 Armor Class when a necromancy spell attack roll is made against you.

Languages. You have proficiency in Black Speech, Dalish and one extra Standard language of your choice.